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Dartmouth Treasure Seekers Minimize

Fall Treasure Seekers in Dartmouth!

Treasure Seekers is starting up again in Dartmouth and is being held at the Prince Arthur Junior High School.

It runs every Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 beginnng on October 1st and going through the end of November.

Songs, Bible stories, prizes, games and lots of fun. Call Matthew & Esther at 864-4265 for more information.

There is no charge for Treasure Seekers, but to help us know how many children are attending, please contact us by phone or email ( to let us know if your child is attending.


If you have any questions about Treasure Seekers in your area please contact us here.

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Treasure Seekers Minimize

Treasure Seekers is a free program for kids aged 5-12 (younger ones may attend if a parent is present). It is an opportunity for young people in our communities to learn important life principles in a fun and safe environment. We present God's truth about the Lord Jesus Christ from the Bible, and provide moral guidance and examples as we teach them the gospel through singing songs, playing quiz games, and teaching Bible stories. Sometimes, the kids are rewarded for their good work with a prize day and / or a pizza or BBQ day. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend, and there is never any charge.


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The program runs for either 1 hour or 1 ½ hours – check the details for your area. Depending on the program, it is held on either a weekly basis or it runs on 5 consecutive days or nights for a given week. Treasure Seekers is normally held in a school or community centre, or a tent in the summer season. Treasure Seekers, an outreach of GoodNewsHalifax, has no denominational affiliation and is open to kids of any religion or background.



 We have been participating in or leading Treasure Seekers for several years with young people in Dartmouth and Halifax. If you have any questions or would like more information about GoodNewsHalifax and Treasure Seekers, please feel free to Contact Us through this web page or by phone - 864-4265.

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