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Article originally posted June 30, 2010 on

The Holy Bible
The World’s Best Seller Today and Always

Some comedians mock the Bible on their late-night shows. Some university professors sneer at the book, confidently affirming that it is an irrelevant relic from a former age when people were naïve, simple and downright dumb. Even a few religious leaders give the Bible a thumbs-down rating as if it was quickly losing its popularity and relevance.

Bible’s Popularity

Maybe you haven’t done your own research. You are allowing others to influence your thinking against the Bible. With all the hype of new anti-god and anti-christian and anti-Bible books flooding the market, perhaps you think the Bible is falling to the bottom of the stack – now among the Top Ten Worst selling books ever.

Is the Bible really losing steam as a popular book? Why haven’t you seen it on the annual list of the Top Ten Best Selling Books published each year by a number of organizations?

Top Blogger Has His Say

Daniel Radosh, one of the World’s Top 25 bloggers has something to say about the Bible. Is he a Christian? No, and he would be very quick to tell you that. His writings have been featured in TIME, Esquire, GQ, Mademoiselle, New York Times, etc. He’s no slouch as a credible writer. You can be sure; he is not going to exaggerate the popularity of the Bible. He’s no friend of the book – not by a long shot!

Daniel Radosh wrote this in The New Yorker: “The familiar observation that the Bible is the best-selling book of all times obscures a more startling fact: the Bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year.” (1) He noted that the year Harry Potter was maxing out as a best-seller, twice as many Bibles as the Harry Potter book were sold that year.

Top Seller Ever

How many Bibles have been sold? No one knows. The numbers are staggering. Wikipedia (2) tries to make some estimates and comparisons. Yes, the Koran (Qur’an) is on their list. And Charles Dickens’ book A Tale of Two Cities and Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code, and quite a few others are on the list. The second most popular book of all times is Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book in China. They estimate 800-900 million copies have been sold.

Are you wondering which book is in first place? The Holy Bible claims the honor easily, with estimates of between 2.5 billion to 6 billion being sold. There’s quite a gap between 1st place and the runner up, The Little Red Book – A distant second for sure! Very distant.

It’s Time for You to Check it Out

Don’t be intimidated by those who mock the Bible. Read it yourself. There are more reasons to believe that the Bible, more than any other book ever written, is the only God-breathed, infallible, inerrant and indestructible written Word of God. Assuming that to be true, shouldn’t you give it some serious consideration?

Yes, the Bible is a big book. Yes, there are some things very difficult to understand. Yes, there are some things you may never understand about God’s Word – because we are human and He is God. But if you approach the Bible with an honest mind, asking God to speak to your own heart as you read it, you will discover the Bible is a ‘living’ book. You will definitely feel its impact. It claims to be a ‘living’ book. See one of its verses below. One of the reasons why it is so hated and attacked is that it does cut deeply through the many layers and facades of human beings and shines into the human heart, exposing us for who we really are.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
(Hebrews 4:12)
  • To read about the beginning – where it all started, read the first section in the Bible – Genesis. Even if you just read the first three of four chapters, you will learn a lot about the human race and God.
  • To read about the future and the end of time – read The Revelation at the end of the Bible.
  • If you like Poetry, read the Psalms.
  • If you are intrigued by Words of Wisdom, read the Proverbs.
  • If you would like to read about yourself and God’s perspective on the condition of the human heart – no matter who the person is or where they live or when they lived – read Romans.
  • If you would like to read about the Lord Jesus Christ (God who came to earth in human flesh) to become our Saviour, read the Gospel of John.

If you would like your own copy of the Bible, free of charge, click here and you will receive the Bible’s New Testament in the mail.

If you would like to read more about the Bible and its history, click here.

If you would like to study the Bible and become familiar with it, click here for free Bible studies. At this site, you will find Bible study plans for all age groups including children and adults. It’s not just for children. This program is very popular around the world. Check it out.

If you would like to contact someone personally about the Bible and how it relates to you, click here.

Yes, the Bible does cut deeply into our human heart and reveals our true condition of sin before God’s holy eyes. But here’s awesome news for you today: the Bible also contains the full remedy for your inner problem. Every one of your sins can be forgiven and you can actually enjoy a personal relationship with God, through the Lord Jesus Christ and because of Him. (Romans 5:1, 6, 7, 8)


  1. Daniel Radosh, The Good Book Business, The New Yorker, 2006/18/06
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