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Posted on July 18, 2011 on

Casey Anthony: Is She Really Free?

Precisely at 12:09am, July 17, 2011, Casey Anthony walked out of the Orange County Jail a free woman. Accompanied by her attorney and two armed officers, she left the Florida jail free and climbed into a waiting SUV.

Ms. Anthony was the mother of little Caylee (above) who died and whose skeletal remains were found months later with duct tape still over the bones of her little mouth. Caylee's grandparents became increasingly concerned over their daughter Casey's explanations as to Caylee's whereabouts and why they hadn't see her in over a month. The grandmother notified the authorities that her grandchild was missing.

Ms. Casey Anthony was arrested and released several times over the ensuing months on a variety of charges – including giving false information to the police, child neglect, obstructing a criminal investigation, forgery, theft, using a friend's credit card without permission, etc. Ultimately, she was charged with first degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child, and four counts of providing false information to police.

Jury's Verdict vs Public Opinion

The court proceedings were followed closely by millions around the world. Even though the Jury eventually found Casey Anthony not guilty – the court of public opinion apparently still believes the young mother is very guilty. Eleven public opinion polls taken across the country showed that fewer than 30% agreed with the jury's verdict. After watching the court proceedings for weeks, two out of three Americans still believe the mother herself murdered her little girl.

But the Jury's decisive verdict of not guilty of first degree murder allowed Casey Anthony to walk out of the Florida jail free. How free is Casey Anthony?

  • Released with $537.68 in cash from her jail account
  • Surrounded by armed officers
  • Hundreds of protestors and spectators shouting at her and booing her as she left the jail
  • Parents who say she is not welcome back to their home
  • Criminal record
  • No job and a bad name
  • Law-suits pending against her
  • Millions of people around the world who think she got away with murder.

Freedom without Joy

Free but what kind of freedom is that? To say the least, there is a dark cloud that lingers over her freedom – a cloud she will experience every day of her life. We will not soon forget the images of the excited defence team as they drank champagne and hugged each other, celebrating the Jury's verdict. Were they really celebrating Casey's freedom or their own success? Do they really think their client is free?

Even if Casey gets a big book deal and earns millions – is she really free? If that mother is the true murderer of her little girl – she will never be free from her inner conscience. If she knows that she deceived and lied and covered-up the murder of her own daughter – she will live with the horrific shackles of her memory and her conscience.

Freedom that is Free Indeed!

From a spiritual perspective, there is only One who can bring true freedom to those who are in bondage – to those who are guilty of sin of any kind. That includes me, you and Casey Anthony. The Lord Jesus Christ said of Himself:

"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
John 8:36

Free indeed! That's the opposite of being freed with a lingering dark cloud overhead. If one is guilty of an offense, they dream of being forgiven. They would love to be pardoned and set free. Only a few ever get to enjoy that luxury. Most offenders legally are never forgiven or pardoned.

You Can Be Free

The good news from the Bible is that all who are guilty before God (the Ultimate and Universal Judge) can be fully and freely forgiven. Such a wonderful possibility exists only in this life. The Bible teaches that after death, it's eternally too late. All can be pardoned and their record totally cleared. Sins of every kind – pride, murder, lies, deceit, blasphemy, fraud, abuse, greed, jealousy, etc. are eligible for complete forgiveness.

How can God still be a righteous and holy God if He is willing to forgive our sins completely? Be sure of this: He doesn't treat our sins lightly nor could He just dismiss them or sweep even one dirty sin under His carpet. All of our sins were so offensive to God, there was only one way He could ever grant us a pardon and forgiveness. There was only one way He could set us free. Follow this closely:

"...this is love, not that we have loved God
but that He loved us and sent his Son
to be the propitiation for our sins
(1John 4:10)

His innocent, sin-free Son paid the full penalty of our sin by His death on the Cross. That's what the Cross death of Christ was all about – our sins! When Jesus took our sins upon Himself and bore their penalty, He satisfied God's righteous claims against sin. Christ settled the problem of sin. Based on the sacrificial death of Christ, God can freely and fully and righteously forgive guilty sinners.

"Christ died for our sins."
1Corinthians 15:3
"The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin."


1John 1:7

If you would like to be free indeed – free from the penalty of your sins, free from the power of sin in your life, and free to live the way God intends you to live, then turn to Christ for forgiveness and freedom.

God is willing and able to forgive every sinner who acknowledges their guilt and looks to Him for forgiveness and salvation. If you want to be free and forgiven – your only window to obtain this blessing is in this life. There is no second chance after death.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have every one of your sins forgiven – past, present and future ones, and to never be condemned again by God and to be fully accepted by God through the Lord Jesus Christ?

That forgiveness and freedom is available to you today.

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
(Romans 8:1)


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